I’m filled with gratitude for the sublime wreckage that spawned the conscious manifestation of THE ENERGY COLLECTIVE.
The old client–therapist healing container basically crumbled when friends, colleagues, and clients -turned-co-creators helped me navigate a two-month hospitalization and crazy-long rehab after a cycling accident in August 2022.
The healing power of a cohesive group versus an individual is undeniable.
I can’t unsee what I’ve been blessed to witness and experience. It’s all still so fresh: the courage, perseverance, and the most healing community experience of my life!
Nothing equals the unconditional love fostered by conscious community engagement.

Community + Engagement = Healing

Dany Lyne is a Trauma Intuitive, CranioSacral Therapist,
Reiki Practitioner, and author.
Alongside private sessions over the span of 18 years, Dany has published two books on self-healing, created two oracle card decks, taught dozens of REIKI PLUS PLUS courses, and co-created hundreds of workshops to fuel self-transformation and heart-centred manifestation.
“My greatest joy is co-creating flow .”
“I’ve worked with Dany one-on-one and in group zooms. Their clairvoyance makes our sessions powerful: heir observations are deep, their questions are provocative, and their guidance comes from a sacred place. Meanwhile, group sessions pleasantly surprised me! They give me the opportunity to be in observation mode ultimately expanding my self-awareness and helping me fine tune my priorities and choices.”

My life made no sense until I had my first memories of sexual and physical abuse.
At age 32, I had no idea that my painful history of abuse had been relegated to a parallel track! Until chiropractic care instigated a series of releases that set me on the long process of merging the tracks, I believed that my childhood consisted of a “normal” series of collisions between setbacks and fun times. In the decade that followed, I deconstructed the mythology of my “normal” childhood and integrated the extensive violations by my maternal grandfather and my father into one gobsmacking narrative.
Alongside my self-healing, I obsessively created terrible beauty on stage.
Go figure, tragedy was my thing. Healing the wounds and coming to terms with this new version of my life story fuelled my passion to design sets and costumes for opera in theatres across Canada, in the United States, England, and Europe; and teach set and costume design at the Ontario College of Art & Design and at the National Theatre School of Canada.
I didn’t look back until caring for my dying grandmother.
Remarkably, when my hands rested on Mamy’s body, I gleaned information and images from her life. I also experienced incredible heat radiating from her, even after her death, and witnessed her transition. Like WHOA! A few weeks later, I came to understand that I had essentially been practising the age-old laying-on of hands healing, which describes Reiki and energy healing. There was no going back.
I’m honour-bound to the practitioners who guided my self-healing and training.
I launched my private practice in 2006. Thousands of clients, three books, and dozens of REIKI PLUS PLUS training programs later, I haven’t looked back except to honour harrowing truth and harmony, leading me precisely to this moment.
Blessings x108

2 Books.

Author of Reiki PLUS PLUS
Reclaim your health-giving oomph
to heal yourself and others.
This generous 400-page Reiki and Self-Reiki instruction manual is chock-full with clear instructions, helpful charts, inspiring illustrations and photographs, and insightful stories and examples culled from the Dany’s personal experience and 18-year full-time practice.
Gold Medal Winner for the 2022
Global Book Awards
“Dany is a great source of inspiration and support in my life. They are kind, sensitive, and extremely intelligent and have given me valuable insights that have supported my growth. Dany has led me to new waters and continues to encourage me to drink. Every day of my life’s journey is enriched through their teachings.”
Whispering Bones.
An innovative fusion of Tarot and Traditional Chinese medicine to energize your self-healing and exploration of the great Mystery. Meet the teachings of the Tarot in an unfettered Major Arcana and behold the elemental insights of the Spirits of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, & Water in this methodical layering of two formidable healing traditions.
No Gender - No Patriarchy - No Imperialism
Sacred Tree for all Seasons.
This guidebook to reclaim your capacity to heal is informed by the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine is chock-full with: vibrant illustrations, short and clear descriptors for each oracle card, more detailed information when needed, super helpful charts, insightful stories and examples culled from Dany’s personal experience and 18-year full-time practice.
Healing Tool to Change Your Life from the Inside Out